Moving House Checklist
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Preparing for your move!
Moving soon and feeling overwhelmed? People say that moving is one of the top 10 most stressful experiences in their lifetime with good reason. Having to pack a whole house, dealing with children and pets, property settlements, paperwork: there is a lot to take care of. To help you move, we have a moving house removal checklist that you can download for free. Here below we go more into depth about what you need to do at each stage of your move.

Before moving day

Once you know you need to move, get the ball rolling! If you have a building manager check what the management’s rules are about moving. A lot of new developments have restrictions on truck heights, loading zone booking times, lift booking times and when you can move in or out. If you find these things out ahead you can book the right removalist for your move. Instead of wasting time getting quotes from movers who only have large trucks or aren’t available, you’ll know what requirements the right removalist must meet.
It’s at this time that you should start researching moving companies and getting quotes from at least 3 removalists. If you only have 2 quotes, it’s hard to tell which price is reasonable. The more quotes you have the better idea you’ll have of the range of price and quality. As well as getting quotes, it’s good to read up on the different moving companies. Read their Terms and Conditions, what is and isn’t included in their services (wrapping and dismantling furniture) and insurance that they do have. When you plan your move, it is also important to assess your needs. Do you need to transfer pets? Will you need storage, packing services and/or boxes? Research and plan these as well.
Now is also a good opportunity to plan what is coming to the new place and what isn’t. Make a list of the big-ticket items (furniture and appliances) that will move, what you need to replace and what you need to get rid of.
Before moving day

Start packing as early as possible so that you can take time decluttering while you do it. This will also make the experience a lot less stressful and rushed. You can start packing the things that are in storage such as anything not currently being used in the shed, garage, storage cage, wardrobes and kitchen. Things you can pack early are decorative items, crafts and tools, photo albums, memorabilia, out of season clothing, books and documents. Set aside items that you want to sell, give away or throw away.
List the furniture that is going up for sale. You might think that you don’t want to list it too early because you still need to use it. However, it usually takes people a lot longer to sell furniture than they think. Wrong pricing, no shows, many things could prevent you from doing a quick sale. Look at what other similar items are being sold for and knock down the price each week. You may have to arrange a council pick up or a donation if you aren’t having any luck.
While packing and listing furniture, it’s a good idea to start labelling where things will be going. Draw up a room plan of your new home and assign boxes and furniture accordingly. Choose and book a removalist. Get removals insurance if you need it and also arrange cleaners. If you are getting cleaners it’s best to book them the day after the move if possible so they are able to clean better with nothing in the way.
Give notice to your landlord or real estate of your intention to vacate as per the terms of your contract. Now, you may as well review all your other contracts for utilities. If you’re looking to change internet, phone or energy providers, request disconnection. Find new providers and make sure they can connect you at your new place from Day 1. If you’re happy with your services, make sure you arrange for all transfers to happen on moving day.
Before moving day

While you finish packing, it’s good to get rid of your perishables. Meal plan and eat through your frozen and refrigerated food. As you complete packing, it’s also good to write up an inventory of furniture, white goods, boxes and small items that are moving. You will this inventory later as a checklist.
Anything that you still haven’t sold needs to go soon. Hold a garage sale and cut the prices. Plan a trip to the tip, hire a skip bin or arrange a council pick up for anything you weren’t able to sell or donate.
If you haven’t already, notify important contacts of your change of address. Examples would be work, school, university, daycare, your GP, lawyer, accountant, bank, the ATO, the AEC, the RMS. It might be good to arrange a mail redirection service in case you miss anyone. As moving day approaches it’s time to plan for it too. Arrange for someone to watch pets and young children on moving day to remove any distractions to the movers or to yourself.
Before moving day

This is usually the day packers come into pack if you have hired them. Make sure that before they arrive you have set aside anything you want to pack yourself such us intimates, items of personal value, phones. Give your packers clear instructions and a room plan so they can designate boxes accordingly. If you have done all the packing you should only be packing the last few boxes today namely: essential toiletries, essential linen, essential kitchenware and electronics. One box should have towels, a change of clothes and bedsheets. One box should have some basic dinnerware for just a few meals. One box should have toilet paper, shower and toothbrush type cosmetics. The last box should have all your electronic devices with their plugs, chargers, and usb sticks. If you can, label them by device. Make sure all your devices are charged before packing them or before moving day if they will stay with you.
Prepare any appliances for the move according to their manuals. Some may have to be bolted. Drain any hoses and washers. Check for any non-allowed items such as flammables and paint that you will have to pack and move yourself. Load these into your car so you do not have to pack them at the same time as the movers.
On moving day
Before the removalists arrive, make sure you have your phone with the removalist’s contact details with you at all times. Make sure you have prepared parking and access for the removalists. Save a parking spot. If you have booked the lifts, make sure you have the keys and that the lifts are dressed before the removalists use them. Give the removalists any keys or swipe cards for easy access to your apartment, shed, storage cage, etc. Give them the room plan and clear instructions as to what goes where. Make sure someone is present at both addresses while the removalists work so they always have someone they can ask questions to.
Before you leave the old address, go through your inventory and through the property with your removalist to make sure nothing is left behind. Make sure you have all your keys with you. Turn off every switch and all the gas and water.
At your new place, you may want to check if everything is clean and as per the inspection report before the removalists start unloading the furniture. Give the removalists instructions and when they are done, check off all items on your inventory and check for anything missing or damaged. If you have booked an unpacking service, ask them to unpack the essential boxes first. It would be good to give them a room plan also so they can easily unpack boxes to the right place.
Leave the fridge in its spot for 3 hours before turning it on to let the coolant settle. Relax after a long, hard day
On moving day

The move
Now all the hard work is over, there are just a few loose ends to tie off. Firstly, finish cleaning the old place and do the final inspection if it was a rental or if settlement was after your own move. When that’s been cleared, lodge a claim for your rental bond and for any insurance claims as you see fit. If you did not arrange a mail redirection service, it would now be a good time to check for mail still going to your old address and notifying these contacts of your address change.
At your own home, unpack the rest of your things and arrange for the return of the boxes if you hired them. When you feel settled in, have a housewarming party or a quiet celebration!
It’s never too early to start packing but a good guideline is 2 weeks + 1 week for every bedroom in your home. So, for a 4-bedroom house, 6 weeks, for a 2 bed-oom apartment, 3 weeks will give you enough time, so you are not stressed out.
Most supermarkets and liquor stores will give away packaging boxes for free, it’s fine if you are moving on a budget. Wait until the afternoon when they do restocks. These boxes are not always the best for packing bulky items and it takes more time to pack them in the truck. If you can afford them, it is better to use professional removal cartons since they are easier to pack, load and unload. They are also much stronger and will protect your belongings better than supermarket boxes. Used free moving boxes can be bought on Gumtree or Facebook marketplace. Some removalists also offer free boxes with their services. For example, we hire out our plastic moving boxes boxes for 1 week if you are moving 3 bedrooms or more.
The second last box should be your fridge and freezer contents. The last box should be your day 1 essentials and the first box you want to unpack when you move in: one set of bedsheets, towels, toilet paper, wipes, a change of clothes, toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste) and some basic cleaning materials
Nest smaller pots in bigger ones and stack pans on the side where possible. Scrunch up butcher paper, old newspapers and magazines and stuff them in the corners and around all the empty spaces between the pots and pans to cushion them. Old linens such as tea towels are also great for this!
Count the number of kitchen shelves. You will need a box for each shelf and around 3-7 more boxes for the pantry depending on the size of the pantry and how well you stock it. You will probably need 1 or 2 more boxes for your fridge contents, but you can pack this last.
As much or as little they deserve! If they have done a good job anywhere between $20 and $100 is reasonable depending on how long and hard the job was. Either way movers will appreciate it if you offer a glass of water or a can of soft drink.
Pack small items in small boxes and containers and tape these as required. Use tea chest boxes for bulky items or linen, do not pack books or plates into large boxes. Fragile items should have a lot of padding such as scrunched up butcher paper or clothes and linen. For example, use one sheet of butcher paper per two plates, pack plates sideways. Make sure that you pack bottles or other containers upwards, and do not be stingy on packing paper. Sometimes some of the sauce bottles leak and damage other furniture or floor in the new or old place. The best way to pack is using plastic moving crates from our shop so there will be no leaks.
Be ruthless! Early on sort things into categories: keep, bin or give away. If there is anything that you haven’t used in the last year, you should probably sell it, throw or give it away except for legal and official documents or memorabilia. Based on our experience the best way to sell is through Gumtree and Facebook marketplace, just make sure that the price is right, and you post it way in advance of your move. Even with keepsakes consider converting them into a digital format. Declutter while you pack and schedule trips to St Vincent de Paul or for council pick up.
Try to sell your furniture. First on Gumtree and Facebook, list it a few weeks before the move and knock the price down by $10 each week leading up to the move. If you have no luck there, try to give it away to the Salvation Army or Vinnies or arrange a council pick up. Removalists such as we can also dispose of furniture at the tip, but the tip will charge a price based on the weight of the items and there is an extra charge for mattress disposal.
Tea chest boxes are best for bulky items such as clothes, linen and toys. For heavy, compact items such as dinnerware, books, small electronics use book wine cartons or hire some plastic boxes from us.

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